Monday, September 15, 2014

Project Life Monday

I am looking so forward to get back into a routine now that we are in our 2nd full week of school.  I can't say the same for the girls.  I'm hoping to get back on track with our Project Life albums.  I did great with 2013 and haven't done anything for 2014.  Last year was the 1st year I did completely digital...and LOVE IT!!!  I have been doing Project Life type albums since 2009.  I started doing the picture a day style and have moved to monthly layouts.

Here is my September layout from 2013...

Check back next Monday for another layout!!


Sandi Colwell said...

Your layout looks great! I'm so behind for 2014. Only got as far as February. Boo hoo!

Tina said... aren't too far ahead of me. I just started January yesterday!!