Friday, October 17, 2014

Happy Heart Friday

T.G.I.F.!!!!'s funny how the 4 days weeks seem longer than the 5 day ones!  It was a busy week here.  As always the girls were busy.  I was doing some more tweaking to the website.  Still have some little things to add but there is a bunch more info up on the site.

I believe this is peak foliage weekend of my favorite times of the year!!!  It's soooo beautiful to be out and about...whether you are driving or taking a walk.  I took this photo below while I was out walking recently.  I loved the fence with the beautiful colors behind it!!!  I'm glad I didn't wait to take the photo on a later day.  The leaves are gone now!!!  Don't ever wait to take a photo thinking you'll have the opportunity again another might not.

And of course to send you in to the about an english muffin??  I just never know where those hearts might pop up!!  :)

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