Wednesday, January 14, 2015

New Project for the New Year!!!

It's P52!!!

So I'm starting something new this year called P52.  It's a challenge through Clickin' Moms website.  Every Thursday there is a new prompt.  They give you a topic to photography.  I'm very excited to see the journey this will take us on.  I plan on sharing my pictures that I take for P52 on here.

The theme for week 1 was You.  We had to take a selfie...YIKES!!!  Like an actual thought out photo of ourself...with a real camera...not an iPhone.  This was hard!  I'm not a huge fan of being in front of the camera.  And then editing a photo of myself...double yikes!!!
I took 2 photos.  The first is me sitting on the couch, which is one of my favorite spots in my house, with my favorite mug (that usually has tea in it).  This was a lot of up and down off the couch running back and forth...check the compositition, focus, I said...a lot of work.  I was sweatin' by the time I was relatively happy with the result.  OK...the second one I can't believe I'm sharing here.  My face!  I held the camera backwards, up at arms' length and hoped for the best.  I'm hoping one day I'll look back at this photo and say, "Wow!  Look how young I look!"  I'm sure as heck NOT saying that now!!!

That was last week...scary stuff!!!  This week's prompt was a different kind of scary...House on Fire.  What would you take with you if you had 10 minutes to get out of your house if it was on fire.  WOW!!!  That gets you thinking!!!  We were told that it's a given that anything living would make it out safe.  We got the prompt on Thursday, so I gave myself to take the weekend to think about it.

These are the things I came up with...
Our wedding album, the promise ring from Dennis (assuming I wasn't wearing it), a hard drive with a bunch of photos and things on it, my Gramma's pearls, my book of passwords, a recipe box with lots of my Gramma's recipes, a Sister's book about Aim and I, a journal with events and thoughts from my sister's last days, my iPad, iPhone and mascara (although I'd probably be crying it off my face!!...and totally replacable!).
I'm sure I could have filled my living room with things so I had to stop myself.  Such a scary thought to lose everything!!!   My heart goes out to anyone who has be in that situation...gosh, I couldn't imagine.

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