So this week's prompt for P52 was Low Light. In order to get a good, in focus low light shot you need a high ISO, the widest aperture and a tripod or some way to make sure you are REALLY sturdy!!! I used all of those elements in these photos. Instead of using my tripod I braced myself against something or rested the camera on a table to avoid camera shake.
This one is Melanie after a LONG day at a Choral Festival. She was so content to hang out on the couch in her sweats, under her cozy blanket, watching TV with her iPhone and a cup of tea.
This one is Dennis' best friend's daughter who happened to be the 5 year old birthday girl!!! As you can see she is pretty happy about it!!!
And here is Katie hanging out on her bed with her iPhone (darn phones!!) and loving her Christmas lights lighting up her room. I love the lights hanging in their rooms all year. It reminds me of my room as a teenager!!!
These pictures came out great! Was a P52 a paid class or something Becky offered free online?
P52 is through Clickin' Moms website. I have a paid membership with them. There are all sorts of forums on the site. This happens to be a thread under Challenges and Games. I am LOVING it so far!!!
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