Friday, March 6, 2015

P52~week 9

This week was a challenge for me.  The theme was Alternative Light.  We had to try and use a unique light source and not use the light from the iPad/iPhone.  I had just taken photos with a birthday candle and Christmas lights.  I am so drawn to photographing people so I thought I'd try to reach out of the box a little.  This is a photo of my cool light up stars shining light on the couple Willow Tree.  I really liked the little hearts that are up in the top right of the photo.  I'm sure that's from a little camera shake...probably should have grabbed my tripod.  I had fun editing this in Lightroom and Color Efx Pro.

We have a super busy weekend with the high school play and a dance competition.  I'm hoping to get some fun shots!!!

Keep warm...Spring IS coming!!!


Karen said...

Beautiful image, I love the lights and shadows. Good luck to those in the play and dance comp. :)

Tina said...

Thanks so much Karen!! We survived the weekend and came away with some good photos!! :)